The following incidents were reported between Sept. 3 through Sept. 11


The following incidents were reported between Sept. 3-Sept. 11


Grand Theft

A pair of designer glasses, wallet and parking permit was stolen from a vehicle parked on the Surfrider Beach parking lot. The victim was unsure if they locked the vehicle before surfing. There were no security cameras available for evidence.  



A home on Escondido Beach Road was broken into and ransacked. The victim said nothing appeared to have been stolen but the porch side sliding doors were shattered. The doors were estimated to cost $1,000 to repair. There were no security cameras available for evidence.



A vehicle parked on the Topanga Beach parking lot was broken into and the victim’s wallet was stolen from the center console. The victim received a notification of two unauthorized purchases in a total of $6,000 made in Beverly Hills. There were no security cameras available for evidence.



A vehicle parked on Trancas Canyon Road was broken into and a laptop worth $1,000 was stolen. The victims passenger side door was shattered and was estimated to cost $115 to repair. 



A vehicle parked near Topanga State Beach was broken into and ransacked. The victim received a notification of a total of $11,042 charges made at multiple stores in Beverly Hills. The victim said there was no damage to their vehicle.